Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Hangin' Tough

Yes, the title is an ode to the New Kids on the Block.  Who doesn't love NKOTB?  Especially any child of the 80's who grew up in Massachusetts?  I think every girl in the area had a crush on at least one of those boys.  Donnie was and still is my favorite.  My husband would tell you that he's my boyfriend.  I've met his brother Paul, who is a chef and runs their 2 restaurants here in Massachusetts and I also met their Mom.  But enough about them, this is about getting fit and healthy...although, NKOTB's music could be on any workout playlist, don't you think?

Ok, back to the real story.  I bet you're wondering how it's going on day 6 of this new year.  Well, I'm doing well.  So far I have kept up with my squats/pushups challenge.  Yesterday was the rest day, but I still got in plenty of activity and scored 7 activity points on my Weight Watchers Active Link.

I have also been writing down everything that I've eaten.  I won't claim that I've eaten all healthy stuff because that would surely be a lie, but I've learned from my own personal track record that even if I just right it down, I find some success.  I'm more thoughtful about what I'm eating.  It not just mindless munching.

I did get out and walk at lunch yesterday, but I can't make any promises about today.  It is only supposed to get to 20 degrees.  I might try to do a little walk, but not to the extent that I normally do.  And later in the week, it's going to be even colder with wind chills well below zero.  We're talking 20-30 below zero, which when it's windy is just cruel and unusual punishment.  The human body is not meant to handle that.  So I doubt I'll be walking then.  I think that might be a good day to get in some weight training.

So how are you doing on your resolutions / goals for 2015?

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