Friday, January 16, 2015

Eating Healthy isn't Boring!

Seriously, healthy food isn't boring, unless you let it be.  Who wants to eat boneless skinless chicken, brown rice and bland vegetables every day?  Certainly not me.  I like FOOD!  Real food with color and flavor, not bland and boring.

In my Weight Watchers meeting this week, a friend was telling us about a new recipe she had tried and really enjoyed.  She had found it on Skinny Taste and it sounded delicious.  It's the sausage, cheese and veggie bake.  She had made it earlier in the week and cut into pieces that she could bring to work and reheat in the morning.  It sounded delicious and I think everyone that heard her talking about it was very excited to try it.

Here's what it looks like.  Do NOT lick your computer screen!  Doesn't it look delicious.  Click here to go right to the recipe on

I also recommend that you check out the rest of the site.  Just looking on the home page, I was drooling over so many of the yummy recipes.  I think I've found a new favorite website.  I'll just have to make sure I'm not looking at it when I'm hungry or bored and not able to actually cook because that would surely spell disaster.

Before we put a single bite of food in our mouths, we eat it with our eyes, so when food looks good, we want to eat it.  So why not find foods that not only look good, but are good for you too?  And I think I just proved that you can find healthier options that look just as delicious or even more so than your favorite fattening foods.

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